
OASYS NOW: Making health data accessible

Have you ever experienced going from one medical specialist to the other, and telling your health history all over again? Since much health data is not shared, this happens very often and can even lead to people not getting their medicine or having to be diagnosed all over again. While it is good to protect the privacy of patients, it would make the life of patients and healthcare professionals easier if there was a way to share the relevant data when they want to.

That is why OASYS NOW developed a platform that allows patients to store their own health data in an app, and securely share it when necessary. The company, founded by Nima Salami and Sara Okhuijsen, aims to make health data more accessible in a safe way, without the risk of other parties getting their hands on the data. But they don’t just focus on helping patients, they also want to help researchers find suitable patients for clinical trials, and solve one of the main obstacles in the development of new medicine. 

Diagnosed in every country

Salami first got the inspiration for the data-sharing concept when he immigrated with his parents from Iran, and he saw how his mother had to be diagnosed in every country before she could get her medicine for her asthma and other conditions. When he finished his studies as a computer scientist, he decided he wanted to do something about this problem. He sought the help of people with more knowledge of DNA and health care, and Okhuijsen joined to help out with her nanobiology background.

We were really flabbergasted by the lack of technology that is used in healthcare, and we are determined to create new technology that could benefit patients and healthcare professionals.Sara Okhuijsen, co-founder and CTO OASYS NOW.


While they first mainly looked at DNA data, they soon expanded their reach to the Electronic Patient Records that many hospitals now use. With their GRIP software, OASYS NOW wants to enable patients to collect all the patient data from hospitals and make it available for the patient in their app. In developing this tool, privacy and security were the main focus, so the company employs cybersecurity experts to develop their software.

In parallel, OASYS NOW also developed the ELaiGIBLE platform, aimed at healthcare professionals who look for participants in clinical trials. Looking for the right candidates proves to be a large delaying factor in developing drugs, and can sometimes even lead to the development being cancelled because no suitable candidates for testing could be found. The ELaiGIBLE platform uses large language AI-models to make sense of the data hospitals collect, from hand-written notes to lab results, and allows researchers to look for patients that might be eligible for their clinical trial.

We were very honoured to even be selected for the Slush 100 competition, and to win it felt very rewarding. We are glad we got to share our ideas with so many interested people, and we are sure this win will give a huge boost to find solutions for this problem.Sara Okhuijsen, co-founder and CTO OASYS NOW.

1 million euros

With their products, OASYS NOW already managed to secure some funding and win prestigious competitions like the large Slush 100 competition, which earned them 1 million euros of funding. Besides the money, these wins established their role as important and motivated innovators in a crucial field.

During this rollercoaster of new developments, Okhuijsen is glad that YES!Delft was available for guidance. She is grateful that they joined the validation lab and accelerator program, which helped refine their ideas and reach their current stage, while benefiting from YES!Delft’s services, including financial advice and legal support. 

In the coming months, OASYS NOW hopes to implement their ELaiGIBLE program in several hospitals, so they can test it on a larger scale and improve it. Meanwhile, they also keep working on cutting-edge cybersecurity research. They have for instance teamed up with NVIDIA and Google, and gained European funding to develop advanced Privacy Enhancing Technology for keeping DNA datasets safe and private, while at the same time making it available for health research. They are always looking for AI and cyber security engineers to help them make these projects a success.

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