
Validation Lab

You have a clear business idea and technology, now it’s time to validate your idea and find your market.

By participating in the Validation Lab, you acquire the right skills, receive an extensive toolset, and start tackling the biggest challenges you’ll face during the whole lifecycle of your startup.

Joining the program allows you to validate your business idea, talking to many customers, and find your Problem-Solution Fit. In addition, you will learn about different aspects of starting and running your business, e.g. legal, funding, pitching, and team.

The Validation Lab is open for complex hardware and digital startups in our focus areas Deep Tech, AI, Blockchain, CleanTech, Robotics, Aviation, MedTech and Social Tech. We help first time founders and experienced entrepreneurs that are looking to find the right customers and market and want to benefit from the mentors and experts in our ecosystem.

Program guide

Validation Lab
Learn more about what our program has to offer and whether it’s the right fit for you. Download the program guide here.


The Validation Lab takes place 3 times every year. The timeline below is for the upcoming one.

  • Application deadline

    10 Sep 2024

  • Start date

    08 Oct 2024

  • End date

    10 Dec 2024


The Validation Lab is a 10-week program for tech startups with at least two comitted founders, that will give you the tools and support to validate your idea and find your product market fit.

Sign up
  • What

    What is this program?

    A 10-week part-time program where you will find your problem-solution fit, talk to potential customers, validate your assumptions and understand what it takes to start and run your business.

  • Who

    Who can apply?

    Tech startups with at least two ambitious and committed founders and the potential to scale.

  • Why

    Why should you apply?

    YES!Delft is the leading tech incubator in Europe. You will acquire the right skills, receive an extensive toolset and get support from our ecosystem of mentors, experts, investors and corporate partners.

Info session

Get a taste of what it is like at the tech incubator and ask all your questions in just an hour.

Online info session
Info session
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