Strategic funding support | intro call
Looking for support in negotiating and securing funds? We are here to help you. Book a call with the YES!Delft funding expert and discuss what options your startup has to get funded.
Looking for support in negotiating and securing funds? We are here to help you. Book a call with the YES!Delft funding expert and discuss what options your startup has to get funded.
YES!Delft, in collaboration with Smart Delta Drechtsteden, is happy to introduce a new challenge focused on innovations for the maritime industry.
During the online info session with one of the YES!Delft employees you get the chance learn more about our programs and events, ask all your questions about YES!Delft and connect with fellow (potential-) entrepreneurs!
On February 6th, a new edition of the Scale-up UNconference will take place.
During the online info session with one of the YES!Delft employees you get the chance learn more about our programs and events, ask all your questions about YES!Delft and connect with fellow (potential-) entrepreneurs!
Meet your co-founder is a live matchmaking event to find a promising tech startup to join or to find a co-founder who can strengthen your tech company.
During the online info session with one of the YES!Delft employees you get the chance learn more about our programs and events, ask all your questions about YES!Delft and connect with fellow (potential-) entrepreneurs!