- Entrepreneur in residence
Hi, With a personal track record in corporate venturing (10 years within TNO) as well as with the foundation and building of my own biotech company (5 years) I look forward to meeting energetic young YES!Delft tech entrepreneurs and help them out. With all kinds of aspects you have to deal with in the early stage and onwards. What is the product-market fit? What is the right business model to adapt? Should you as high-tech start-up pursue – and engage in strategic partnerships? If so, when do you have the right leverage? Is the team fit for the next phase? How to attract funding? What kind of funding? What is the effect on short and long term of these decisions? The effect on your organizational development and – freedom to operate as well as your personal development as founders? If you have these kind of questions and/or answers you want to re-assess before action, don’t hesitate to drop by. I’d love to help you determine what’s next and why. All against your vision on the company and on you as founding team. My personal drive is: I love entrepreneurship. I’m a strong believer that technology will bring the UN Sustainable Development Goals in reach. I love (social) impact!