From prestigious awards and breakthrough inventions to exciting collaborations and impactful product launches, these startups are leaving their mark on the industry. Get ready to be inspired by the latest achievements of YES!Delft community innovative tech startups in our top 10 startup success stories for the month of June.
1. Agridata Innovations
AgriData Innovations received Jury and Public Awards during the Start-Up Meets Investor contest. Congratulations!
2. Dawn Aerospace
Dawn Aerospace is happy to share that they have been selected as a finalist in two award categories at the European Space Forum: Innovation in Space for its spaceline and Sustainability in Space for its green chemical propulsion system.
3. Hardt Hyperloop
Hard Hyperloop has won the prestigious Nieuwe Helden Prijs 2023 from Rotterdamse Ondernemersprijs because of the startup’s demonstrated level of innovation and societal impact.
4. Memsys
Memsys is proud to share that they have won a Pitch XL 2023 award. Among the winners, MEMSYS was recognized as the overall winner chosen by the jury, highlighting their exceptional contribution to energy harvesting technologies for IoT products. More information can be found here
5. Nature’s Principles
Nature’s Principles has secured a Rabobank Innovation loan to further work on its mission of creating sustainable and circular Lactic Acid for its customers. More information can be found here.
6. Oasys Now
Oasys Now received a pre-seed investment with the support of a Graduate Entrepreneur. This investment is a co-investment with TenNine VC, Golden Egg Check and several angel investors. The funds will be used to expand the company’s workforce and accelerate the development of its services, bringing the company one step closer to its goal of making Personalized Medicine accessible to people globally.
7. PATS Indoor Drone Solutions
Together with Biobest Group PATS won the Innovation Award for Trap-Eye™, a wireless solution that replaces sticky trap scouting. It accurately identifies and counts insects, empowering growers with integrated pest management. More about this can be found here. Division Q is investing in Pats Drones in order to stimulate technological development and scaling-up. More about this cooperation can be read here. Also, The European Innovation Council (EIC) awarded PATS with more than €4.5 million in funding. The news can be found in this post.
8. Smart-ship
Smart-ship has launched a new collaboration with SEAFAR. SEAFAR navigates ships from a distance across different regions to tackle a growing shortage of skilled personnel and enable an acceleration of the modal shift. By using Smart-Ship force-feedback control levers, they will enable inch-perfect navigation from 100+ kilometres distance.
9. Somnox
Somnox and Annovating receive a grant for the fight against insomnia with artificial intelligence. A startup is developing an innovative robot that combats insomnia together with Annovating in The Hague. The aim of the project is to provide the sleep robot with artificial intelligence to learn from previous results and thus better combat sleep problems every day. More can be found here.
10. Tiler
As of this month, everyone who works at De Binckhorst The Hague can use an electric shared bicycle to explore the area. The e-bikes are charged wirelessly using the smart charging tiles of the Delft startup Tiler. More about this can be found in this article.